Dog socialization
Understanding dogs
With our coaching offers and our online courses on Hundesozialisation.de we want to dispel myths and help you raise healthy and socially competent dogs.
For some it seems to be innate, for others it doesn't understand despite great efforts: understanding the dog and its behavior can be a challenge. The key here is the ability to understand the dog's nature and to read its body language. This is something we are all born with and is often lost on the way to adulthood.

Many dog owners want the best for their dog, but don't know what the dog needs. Does the dog have to go out all the time? Does he understand me? Why does he always want to go somewhere different to me? And why does he get aggressive even though nobody is doing anything to him? There are answers to these questions, and it often helps to simply take a step back from your own fear of "being wrong" and suddenly everything becomes crystal clear.
While we are literally being followed by all kinds of advice on social media regarding food and training, it is often forgotten that the decisive factor when it comes to health is the psychological situation. If the dog (human) is under constant stress, then the organism is constantly working to compensate. And so dog socialization coaching not only helps dogs, but often their owners. Because it is not uncommon for clarity about the dog to also bring a sigh of relief for the owner.

As a sociologist, my focus is on science. How does the brain learn? How are mammals structured? How do they communicate and develop into adult individuals? Through my studies in sociology and communication science, I can explain to you why things are the way they are and how you can easily change behavior and reactions if you understand where they come from.
Read more about the experiences of our existing customers here .
Also take a look at our submitted before and after videos . By clicking on the YouTube button at the bottom right of the preview (mobile view) you will be directed to our YouTube channel and can read an explanation below the video.
Unimagined training possibilities
Experience how your dog becomes more responsive through front guidance. With STURMFREI® you can experience who your dog really is by eliminating pressure and train behavior by diverting attention.